Treatment for Muscular Injuries

Injuries that involve body tissues apart from bone are generally classified as soft tissue injuries. Sprains, strains and bruises are all soft tissue injuries, although the cause and tissues involved in each injury are different.

A sprain is an injury that involves the ligaments and other soft tissues around a joint, such as an ankle or wrist...

Injuries that involve body tissues apart from bone are generally classified as soft tissue injuries. Sprains, strains and bruises are all soft tissue injuries, although the cause and tissues involved in each injury are different.

A sprain is an injury that involves the ligaments and other soft tissues around a joint, such as an ankle or wrist. It occurs away from a joint and involves a torn or overstretched muscle or tendon, commonly in the calf, thigh or lower back.

A bruise is a soft tissue injury that involves the skin and nearby tissues following a blow or other forces that break a blood vessel close to the surface of the body. Bruising may be seen with either a sprain or strain.

  • Protect by applying an elastic bandage, sling, or splint.
  • Rest the muscle for at least a day.
  • Ice immediately, and continue to ice for 10 to 15 minutes every hour, for 2-3 days.
  • Compress by gently wrapping with an Ace or other elastic bandage. (Don't wrap tightly.)
  • Elevate injured area above the person's heart level, if possible, for at least 24 hours.


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